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top 10 cbd uses

The Top 10 Uses for CBD

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of over 100 compounds which are found naturally in the hemp plant. Although it is only recently that CBD has been brought to the forefront in the western world, CBD rich cannabis has actually been used for thousands of years to help people who are suffering from certain illnesses and ailments.

Whilst there is still extensive research being carried out into CBD’s full potential and its effects on the human Endocannabinoid system, there are already many people who are turning to CBD to help them with their health problems.

With this in mind, here are ten of the most popular uses for CBD:

1.  CBD to strengthen general health and well-being

The main reason for taking CBD is to encourage good general health and well-being. CBD can be taken as a supplement to boost the Endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for homeostasis – the state in the body which keeps everything in balance.

2.   CBD for pain relief

CBD’s impact on the Endocannabinoid system can help to reduce inflammation, and therefore stimulate pain relief.

3.    CBD to help sleep

Having difficulty sleeping is a common problem for people across the whole world. A lot of people find that CBD can help them to both fall asleep and have a better-quality sleep.

4.   CBD for a calming effect

CBD has been proven to help people who are anxious, to feel calmer and able to deal with stressful situations more easily. Its effect on the neurotransmitters can help to ease the effects of feeling anxious.

5.  CBD for clear skin

CBD products can also be rubbed into the skin through a cream, balm or gel, helping to reduce the production of sebum as well as taking down inflammation, giving you clearer skin.

6. CBD for a healthier heart

People who suffer from issues like high blood pressure can often benefit from taking CBD. By lowering your blood pressure, you can improve your heart health and reduce the risk of heart problems like strokes and heart attacks.

7.  CBD for muscle recovery

There are an increasing number of athletes and massage therapists who are including CBD in their products to help aid muscle recovery after a strenuous training session.

8.  CBD for epilepsy

CBD has recently been approved to be used in medication for people who are suffering from certain forms of epilepsy, stating that it can help to reduce the number of seizures that they are suffering

9.  CBD for joint pain

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is a popular choice for people who are looking to soothe joint pain.

10. CBD for losing weight

Trying to lose weight is an issue for many people. CBD can affect the fat cells in the body and therefore some people use it to help them with their weight loss plan.

There is mounting evidence to show that there are a number of health benefits to taking CBD – and more and more people are accessing it. As medical research strengthens its case, the hope is that more and more people will be able to benefit from CBD’s properties.

DISCLAIMER: Bionic Butterfly does NOT assert these claims. This post is merely an aggregated list of the top 10 reasons that people USE CBD as of this writing. This information is NOT Intended to treat or cure any of said ailments. These statements have NOT been evaluated by the FDA