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Is CBD Oil Legal?
Is CBD Oil Legal
CBD or Cannabidiol has been praised for its ability to help treat a number of health complications including but not limited to cancer, chronic pain, and epilepsy.
A few years ago, most people regarded every cannabis product as ‘evil.’ However, this narration has taken a turn as most people have now started accepting and appreciating the importance of the cannabis plant.
As an industry, we can say we are moving in the right direction especially after the legalization of marijuana use in most US states, Canada and the passing of the 2018 hemp bill.
However, with all these good things happening, we can’t deny the fact that the legality of CBD as a whole is still clouded in confusion mostly because of the enactment of different laws regulating its use at state and federal level.
Because of this, most people are still not open to the use of CBD as they are still wondering whether the product is legal.
The Legality of CBD Oil
The legality of CBD depends on several factors determined by the country or state in question. However, there is one very important determinant that is shared by all the states and countries; the source of CBD. Is it hemp or marijuana-derived?
The Difference between Marijuana and Hemp-derived CBD
Before we delve deeper into this subject, it is crucial to note that both hemp and marijuana come from the same cannabis family which makes them share a lot of similarities.
However, the two plants are very different when it comes to THC content. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the psychoactive component in the marijuana plant.
While hemp produces less than 0.3% THC, the marijuana plant may produce up to 25% THC. This means that, while marijuana can get you high, hemp can’t.
Because hemp won’t get you high, then most governments have no issue with hemp-derived CBD oil.
Hemp-derived CBD Oil
As already mentioned, hemp CBD is not psychoactive and hence legal in most countries and all the 50 US states. However, most people still don’t understand the difference between hemp and marijuana and so still hold hemp with contempt or stigma.
However, from a legal point of view, hemp CBD is legal, and you should be okay consuming it. (So YES Hemp extract / derived CBD OIL IS LEGAL)
Marijuana CBD Oil
While hemp CBD is completely legal in all the 50 US states, marijuana products do not share the same privileges as they come from a THC-rich mother plant. While some states have legalized the use of marijuana CBD, the product is still illegal in most states.
It is therefore crucial that you understand the laws regulating the use of hemp and marijuana products to avoid getting on the wrong side of the authorities.
So, is CBD Oil Legal?
As you have seen, there is a no clear-cut answer to this question. This is because the legality of CBD oil is determined by a number of factors such as the specific state or country law.
Also, the source of the CBD plays a significant role in determining its legality or illegality.
However, with the wave of cannabis legalization that has hit the globe over the last few months, it appears that it is only a matter of time before both marijuana and hemp CBD become fully legalized in all the US states and other parts of the world.
Until then, remain vigilant, understand and follow the law and the different types, and you will be good to go! Also According to Ask TSA it is legal to fly with CBD OIL.
As you may expect Bionic Butterfly CBD OIL is legal as it is a hemp extract. Also as you have read less than 0.3% THC is legal and we maintain 0.0% THC in our products